Are you someone who is looking to make positive changes in your life? Someone who needs a little boost of positivity and joy each day or a simple confirmation that you’re not alone?

If so, you’ve come to the right place.

The days sometimes feel long, but the years are flying by and that is why I am choosing to appreciate all the good around me and be open to a positive perspective.

We get 365 unique, fresh starts a year, so let today be one of them.

Half empty or half full? That is the great debate.

Some may say your glass needs a top up while others say it’s half full.

Most days I like to consider my glass as Half Full; choosing to look for the positives and joy while drowning out the negatives and noise, but finding the silver linings are not always easy.

We can’t be Suzy Sunshine every day, but if we work on flipping our mindset to a place of positivity, it’s amazing to see all that we have around us through a new lens.

So join me in looking at life with a glass Half Full, most days, because as my mother always says, “we have one life to live, might as well live it happy!”.

Tiffany Richardson

Writer, Blogger, Speaker,
Joy envoker

Tiffany’s writting has been featured in the following

On the Blog

26 NOV, 2021 • MiNdset Matters

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