About Tiffany

Tiffany is a self-proclaimed joy seeker and writer who inspires others to look at their glass as half full and embrace all that life offers.

Before starting this Joy Journey, Tiffany worked in the Event and Marketing industry for thirteen years, founding her own company (icing.ca) to provide top-tier hospitality teams for major brands across Canada.

When the pandemic brought her company and her industry to a screeching halt, Tiffany was left at home caring for two young daughters and feeling the need to keep them happy and safe.

Tiffany has lived a hectic and exciting lifestyle, so when the world came to a standstill, she knew she had to dig deep to find joy in the everyday. While sharing her real-life stories, she realized that she was not alone and was inspiring others.

For two decades, Tiffany lived and breathed the world of entertainment and sports, she has witnessed first-hand what brings people joy. However, when stadiums are empty, people are apart, and events are not going on, seeking joy becomes something we need to find internally rather than externally, where the true magic happens.

Despite all of the big, bright moments of her career, Tiffany has still lived a life of ups, downs and in-betweens. She is perfectly imperfect, and because authentically writing is her passion and way of communicating and touching lives, she hopes that others will consider their glasses half full and be inspired to tag along.

Tiffany shares her personal stories. She is raw and relatable. The more she shares, the more she hopes to inspire.

Weekly Joy

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Kind words from clients

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